Sunday, October 01, 2017

A Spiritual Lesson from Driving?

Driving in South Florida is quite the experience. We have an international population and plenty of snowbirds, thus drivers navigate our roads using international driving rules and blue-haired driving skills. The roads are crowded, using a horn is second nature, cutting people off is expected, a yellow light means "punch it," and scooters & motorcycles use the dashed white line as a 3rd lane.

The aftermath of Hurricane Irma made the S. FL. driving experience even that much more exciting. The lights were out at many major intersections. Imagine 12 lanes of traffic trying to work like a 4-way stop! When you approached these types of intersections, you prayed harder; because every man (and woman) did what was right in their own eyes. If a driver got tired of waiting, they simply broke the 4-way stop pattern and altered the process. If they felt someone else wasn't doing things right, they yelled obscenities and flipped them off. Every person believed they were doing right and it created chaos, when the proper system was not followed.

As I sat and watched this scenario playing out, I realized a spiritual truth, "This is what religion looks like." The Bible warns against every man doing what is right in his own eyes. (Deut. 12:8, Judges 17:6, Judges 21:25, Job 32:1, Prov 12:15, and Prov 21:2) Religion is the epitome of people interpreting, practicing and teaching the Bible according to their personal interpretations. Religion is people trying to make God fit into their box. I've known people to seek-out Bible verses to prove their points or justify their behavior. We live in a world that paints and portrays God to be whatever and Whoever they want Him to be in order to "fit" into their personal belief system. It boils down to people setting themselves up as gods and determining that they can redefine spiritual success and chart their own course to heaven.

When driving, we see instructional road signs. These signs are not suggestions, they are commands that carry the full authority of the law. Those who follow these instructions will usually arrive alive; but for those who choose to break these laws, there are often costly (even deadly) consequences. In the Bible, God has given us a road map (GPS) and instructions for our spiritual journey. To start any trip, you must know where you are going. On our spiritual journey, the destination is heaven and we can only get there through Jesus Christ -- He is "the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to the Father except through Him." We are sinners in need of a Savior!

So, the choice is up to you. You can be religious, follow your own interpretations of the law and risk spiritual death; or you can have a relationship with Christ, live for Him and experience eternal life in heaven. Remember, God made it very clear: "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death" - Prov. 16:25. So, will you choose your way or God's way? Will you choose religion or a relationship with Christ? The choice is yours, but choose carefully!