As Washington continues to bicker over the Debt Ceiling, I grow increasingly tired of seeing the American people used as political pawns. The rhetoric used by the President and Speaker Boehner during their televised comments just fueled the fire last night. This whole debate is ALL ABOUT POLITICS! Have we forgotten that John Boehner and Harry Reid had already agreed to a 6 month plan, but President Obama would not accept it. He didn't want this topic to come up during the 2012 election year. Obama KNOWS what is best for the country, as evidenced by his 2006 vote AGAINST RAISING THE DEBT CEILING when he was a US Senator. In fact, the Democrats in the Senate voted unanimously AGAINST it. The President has proven his ability to flip-flop on the issues, but he still offers no real leadership and has offered no plan of his own to date. He offers no original thoughts and simply criticizes anything that doesn't carry through the reelection year --- What does that tell you? It tells me that he is more concerned about keeping his office, than doing what's best for the country.
To add more fuel to the fire, it was reported this morning that General Electric (GE), the 4th largest company in the US is moving its headquarters to China. What an irony that the CEO of GE, Jeffrey Immelt, is the Chairman of President Obama's "Council for Jobs and Competitiveness." It is also ironic that GE has avoided paying taxes? So, by "balanced approach," the President really means we "MUST" increase taxes on the wealthy, so he can continue granting tax break favors to his friends (like Immelt) and corporations such as GE. More political games and no wonder no one believes what he says!
These debt ceiling discussions (in my opinion) are nothing but political maneuvering, without any real consideration of what is best for our country. Our credit rating is at risk, the economic recovery is at risk, and the reelection of those in Washington should be at risk! It's time to make some serious changes in Washington. My suggestion is term limits for all politicians, so they get back to representing the people, rather than protecting their reelection to office.