Friday, October 31, 2008

2,000 Attend EBC's "Trunk-or-Treat"

This is the fifth year that our church has hosted "Trunk-or-Treat." This has always been a fun event, a great community service project, and an outreach opportunity. It's always been a successful event in the sense of drawing people onto our campus and gathering a few propects who might be looking for a church, but tonight knocked it out of the park!

Remembering that we are in a very small community and probably a dozen churches in our community hosted a "Trunk-or-Treat," what I will share next will amaze you. Tonight, we had 2,000 people on our campus. That's right 2,000! That's 25% of Hartsville's population! The line of costumed characters latched onto their mom's and dad's stretched around our building. We began to ration the candy and we even had a volunteer go to Walmart to buy more! I couldn't imagine someone waiting in a line and then being told we were out of candy.

Hats off to our volunteers! Dozens of cars were decorated including a stretch limo. People were preparing concessions, distributing candy, registering guests, staffing the inflatable and carnival games, and more! In a quick perusal of the registration cards, I spotted dozens of people who requested more information about our church. Wouldn't it be great if they came to a "Trunk-or-Treat" and it was the first step in reaching these people for Jesus?! The strength of Emmanuel Baptist Church is that we are a family of people who love God, want others to love God, and will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Thanks again to Justin, our volunteers and to every person who brought your kids to the event.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Revival Continues at a Funeral

My friend, Jack Westmoreland, wrote a book entitled, "God, He Don't Live in No Box." Jack is right! God can do whatever, whenever, wherever, and however He chooses. If you weren't sure of that before, you will be after this story. I'm learning more and more that He doesn't work the way our religious system has taught us to expect. He does things that we don't expect,in ways we don't expect and at times we don't expect. Let me give you a great example...

Today, I was officiating a funeral for a dear lady who had been a member of our church for many years. She had been estranged from her son for many years, but they reconciled three years ago. The son had also been estranged from his sister, and if I properly understood, they had not spoken in 20+ years. His family was seated at the front of the funeral chapel and her family was seated at the back and on the opposite side. While the son/brother was speaking publicly and paying tribute to his mother, he began to weep and publicly asked his sister to forgive him. He walked to the back of the chapel, asked for her forgiveness, told her that he loved her, and asked if she loved him -- to which she responded, "I love you, too." There wasn't a dry eye in the room and if we were in church, I would have given the invitation right then.

That was one of the best funerals I've ever been to in my life! I've never seen God work in this way at a funeral before, but it surprises me less and less. I'm beginning to expect Him to work in these miracluous ways. I told the other pastor who co-officiated the service, "This is what we've been seeing God do in our church for 3 months!" I can't wait to see what He's going to do next!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Definition of Revival

I found the following definition for revival on It's actually pretty good...

"Revival in a Christian context generally refers to a specific period of spiritual renewal in the life of the Church. While elements such as mass conversions and perceived beneficial effects on the moral climate of a given culture may be involved, the key factor in revival is the restoration of the Church to a vital and fervent relationship with God after a period of decline.

If your relationship with God has ever been closer than it is today, you are probably in need of revival.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I'm amazed... I know I shouldn't be, but I'm still amazed. God Spirit is still moving and I'm amazed! When God begins to move in our congregation, I've learned to just get out of the way!

This past Thursday, Justin (our Youth Pastor) baptized 4 of our Christian School students during chapel. The baptistry heater didn't get turned on, so... the water was COLD! Those kids will never forget their baptism. :-) Yesterday, we had 10 people baptized during our morning service. Justin baptized 4 teenagers at the beginning of the service and I baptized 6 adults at the end of the service. It was special as several of the adults shared their testimonies. One is a deacon who was saved last week. One is a Christian School teacher who gained assurance of her salvation. One was a man who had known for several years that he was unsaved, but allowed pride to keep him from making that decision. (Interesting... when he got saved, he didn't care what anyone else thought!) Another was a lady who was saved last week, another saved a couple of months ago and another was a college student. In addition, we had another dear lady come for church membership and the altars were full as people were praying.

God's Spirit is moving and people continue to respond. People all over Hartsville are hearing about our services and talking about us (in a good way) wherever you go. Last night, we had a Ministry Meeting and people were unanimous in their decision and exhibiting unity in their spirit. It was another GREAT day!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

ECS Girls Volleball State Champs

It finally happened! After winning state championships on the "A" level, our Emmanuel Christian School girls volleyball team is now the South Carolina State Champion on the "AA" level. The SCACS AA tournament was held this past weekend in Upstate and our Lady Crusaders took the championship match with a score of 3-0 against Conway Christian School. Coached by Billy Smith, our ladies have been the State Runners-up for the past couple of years; but not anymore... they are the CHAMPS! Team members include: Caitlyn Bell, Karen Bullard, Caylee Carpenter, Paten Hall, Krista Hodges, Mallory James, Krisa Melton, Millie Rogers, Bridgette Smith, and Laney Williamson.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Judgement House Report

EBC just concluded our 5th year of presenting Judgement House to our community. This year, there were literally 100+ volunteer workers participating from our church family, plus the JH team. All previous records were broken this year with 1,594 people touring the drama, 182 decisions for salvation, 64 decisions for rededication, and numerous others who came for special prayer. That sounds miraculous, but even more-so when you realize we are in a city with a population of less than 8,000 people!
Each decision was followed-up personally with a counselor and literature was distributed to help these new believers start their walk with Christ. Bibles were also given to those without one in their home. Each person who made a decision was asked to write their decision on a poster board and sign it. WOW! You should read these written testimonies!
Not only was this event beneficial to those who attended it, but it also benefitted our church. It helped us refocus on outreach and evangelism. It took our eyes off ourselves and made us aware of and compassionate toward those without Christ. It caused us to pray without ceasing, realizing that nothing would come of our efforts, unless God's Spirit brought people to conviction. It also reminded us of the joy it brings to work with other churches as Youth Pastors entrusted us to share the message of God's saving grace with their groups. Each church was given all of the follow-up information for those who made decisions and now we pray that true discipleship will take place.

A special "thanks" goes out to our volunteers, those who organized groups, and to the Lord of the Harvest Who blessed our efforts with eternal rewards!

Monday, October 20, 2008

God's Spirit is Moving at EBC

A new day is dawning at EBC and God’s Spirit is moving! It appears that God is opening the windows of heaven and pouring out His blessings on our church family!

Below are just a few of the ways God has been blessing EBC since August 3, 2008:
- There is a renewed spirit of excitement in our church services
- People are renewing spiritual commitments
- 31 students have been saved through ECS and 4 were baptized in chapel
- 22 salvations through EBC
- 20 baptisms
- 24 new members
- Worship attendance continues to increase
- Several LIFE Groups are ready to birth new classes
- Over 50 ladies are involved in Bible studies outside of Sunday mornings
- Men are being trained as deacons
- Our new singles’ LIFE Group and DivorceCare classes are steadily growing
- And the list goes on!

Yesterday... I preached about God's saving grace and a man shared his testimony. It resulted in a 45 minute invitation and God's Spirit moving like I've NEVER seen Him before! 10 people were saved, 6 came for assurance, many for rededication, 14 for baptism, 2 families joined the church (19 members the Sunday before!), the altars were full, and people were weeping uncontrollably over what God was doing! Again... a 45 minute invitation! We had a deacon saved, our congregational worship leader walked off the platform in need of assurance, a man fell on the altar praying for his daughter and men engulfed him in prayer. A lady who was getting ready to have surgery was surrounded and embraced by other ladies. I can't even begin to tell you what it was like. And right now... I can hardly see my computer screen because God is still squeezing my heart and the tears are flowing. I just had to tell you! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!

In addition, men have been sharing how God had been convicting them to clear their consciences, repent, and renew their relationships with the Lord. Through tears, they are expressing how difficult it was, but how clean and refreshed they feel. They are experiencing real freedom in Christ.

These are just a few of the incredible stories of what God is doing at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Hartsville, SC. Please keep praying for us!

Monday, October 13, 2008

19 New Members

I can't even begin to tell you what is happening at EBC! God is beginning to move in ways that are far beyond what I could ask or think. It is truly a moving of the Holy Spirit! When we were growing at miraculous pace, then Satan attacked our church through the sin of one of our staff members. Another church family was also involved and it has been devastating, but God is faithful. If that wasn't enough, our attendance decreased as our Spanish Pastor was not allowed back into the USA and that ministry went from 70+ to 25 on average. In addition, over 70 people from our church relocated -- only 3 of those families stayed in SC. It was discouraging to see over 125 people leave, but God is good and this is His church. In the midst of the turmoil, I felt impressed of the Holy Spirit to preach on revival and told the church that I wouldn't stop until we experienced it. Things got worse! Preaching on revival will truly divide a church as the righteous get right, but sinners get angry! Many in our church have been praying for revival and God Spirit has been moving in our church. Revival started in our youth department, but it has been spreading! Many new people have joined our church family and God brought us some of the strongest believers and dedicated workers that I've ever met! Attendance is stronger in our main service than it has been in the past two years! Last Sunday, God blessed our church with 19 new members -- on the same day! Remember... we're in Hartsville! That is an army of workers and these wonderful people really are workers. They were serving in various capacities even prior to membership. Pray for us as we minister to them and for them as they serve God and His people at EBC. Yesterday was GOOD!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Religion and Politics DO Mix

With the upcoming elections, I've already heard people saying..., “I don’t discuss politics or religion.” Well, don’t hurt yourself laughing when I tell you I’m from Palm Beach County, Florida. Yes... the state that had the voting fiasco, where we first heard about hanging chads, dimpled chads, and we supposedly stole the election from Al Gore; but I would like to share some thoughts regarding Christians and voting!

I suspect that many avoid discussions regarding religion and politics, because they know very little about either one. Many people choose to affiliate with a particular denomination and/or political party, due to their parents’ influence. Often, they don’t even know the basic tenets of their faith or their party’s platform. This lack of understanding in a voting booth often leads to a simple and uniformed vote along party lines. Such a flippant approach toward voting smacks in the face of those who died to give us that right! Christians must rise above this intellectual apathy by researching what the candidates stand for, then voting for those who uphold biblical principles.

The question arises, “Do religion and politics really mix?” The answer is emphatically “YES!” Christians have a right and an obligation to be politically active. We should be the leaders in the community; running for political offices and making decisions based on biblical absolutes. We should be outraged to see judges and politicians rejecting every semblance of Christianity. Contrary to popular belief, the words “separation of church and state” DO NOT appear in the U.S. Constitution and the premise that religious people should stay out of politics is absurd! Had Christians been more involved in politics, there may have been fewer Ten Commandments, nativity scenes and Christian symbols removed from public places.

Religion and politics must mix in order to form an educated political and world view for the Christian. Christ-followers cannot just ignore issues such as protecting traditional marriage, abortion, homosexual adoption, and more. No issue can be politically right if it’s biblically wrong! Christians should make no apologies for voting in accordance with biblical values and candidates who support them.

Believers should be researching the biblical positions of the candidates who will appear on the November 4 ballot. Research the candidate’s voting record, his reputation, how he treats his family, whether he attends church year round or only at election time, and whether or not he represents you based on biblical values or popular opinion. For information on the candidates visit

Remember, politics and religion DO mix and it’s time for Christians to become politically active! This is still one nation “UNDER GOD!”