Monday, January 17, 2011

1.16.11 - One of the best Sunday's ever

Words cannot describe what happened yesterday, but I'll try to convey it briefly. In the morning service, we celebrated "Sanctity of Life" Sunday. I preached from Psalm 139 reminding people that David was praising God for giving him life, forming his body, allowing him to be an image bearer, and for creating a plan for his life. Through a monologue, Micara described how God worked in spite of her mistakes and the difficulty of a her child's birth defect, to bring her back to God and create a beautiful little girl that brings joy to everyone who meets her. Thank God that she chose life! There wasn't a dry eye in the Worship Center when she finished. We concluded the sermon by asking our folks to take baby bottles to collect loose change for the Carolina Family Planning Centers, a prolife pregnancy care center in our community.

On Sunday evening, Teresa sang a song about praising God in the tough times. The congregational songs followed a similar suit. As I began the sermon about communion, it was as if I could feel God telling me that someone had something to share. I backed up and opened the floor for testimonies... people shared for 45 minutes... one right after the other. They shared deep things, personal things, they were transparent, and made themselves vulnerable. God was working. We closed by asking people to pray together and encourage one another. Groups gathered to pray around those with needs. Prayers were lifted, relationships were mended, hearts were encouraged. At their leisure, people came and took communion at the altar. IT WAS AMAZING!

I can't tell you exactly what happened yesterday, but I can tell you that God showed up!

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