Monday, October 17, 2011

Sunday Summary 10.16.11

A special thanks to everyone who filled-in yesterday in Joey's absence. Rob, thank you for coordinating and overseeing things to make sure all went smoothly. Heather, thank you for leading our congregational worship through music this morning. God has blessed us with wonderfully competent and talented people!

In the morning service, God blessed us with 4 new members and 1 coming to be baptized next Sunday. I challenged our folks to fulfill the Great Commission, as too many believers see Matt. 28:19-20 as the "Great Suggestion." I often hear excuses that make you think some believers feel they have been given and exemption, opted out, been excused, or feel it doesn't apply to them. I've heard others state that they don't have the "gift of evangelism"--- FACT - no one does, in spite of what some spiritual gift tests imply. Every believer has been commanded by Jesus to share the message of God's love with others.

Last night, we had a WONDERFUL time of communion! Pastor David and I were able to speak encouragement to our church families and thank them for the role they play at EBC. Following, a deacon prayed with each family and other deacons served communion to them. The families were able to then go back to their seats and take communion together. It was a very special time of tears, hugs, and encouragement. At EBC, people truly love God and love each other.

Lord, thank you for what YOU are doing in our church family. Thank you for people who truly love You and seek to share Your love with others. Please continue and protect the sweet Spirit of unity that we are experiencing as we seek to serve You!

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