Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sunday Summary - 02.05.12

What a great day at Emmanuel. We hosted a "Super Bowl of Caring" and collected several shopping carts full of canned foods for Hartsville Interfaith Ministries. This is a ministry supported by local churches that assists those who find themselves in a temporary crisis and need some assistance to get back on their feet. Our church family responded so generously! Thanks EBC for caring about the less fortunate in our community.

This morning's sermon focused on having Kingdom Vision. Too many individual believers and churches are plagued by tunnel vision. They can only see their immediate surroundings and have no concern about those who are still in need of having a relationship with Jesus Christ. I challenged our people to look for ministry opportunities to those who are not being reached by any church, to think outside the box, and to move toward the other's oriented philosophy that Jesus modeled for His disciples. This year EBC will focus on being the people God wants us to become, rather than doing all the programs that people want us to do.

At the close of today's service, God blessed us with a great altar response. Among those were 5 new members and 1 coming for baptism! PTL.

Tonight we will host the Super Bowl EHOPs (Emmanuel Houses of Prayer). The LIFE Groups will gather in a member's home, invite their friends, watch the Super Bowl, and pray. This will be a great time of fellowship and hopefully a time when others come to know Christ!

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