Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday Summary - 3.18.12

Yesterday was "Baby Dedication" at EBC. God is blessing our church with MANY young families, and today He blessed us with 9 babies to be dedicated. This is a special time in the life of any church. The concept for this day is based on the story of Hannah dedicating Samuel to the Lord. We encourage parents to dedicate their children to the Lord, to dedicate themselves to be godly parents, and the church family dedicates themselves to do all they can to help these parents raise these precious children to know, love, and serve the Lord. We show pictures on the screens, read special summaries that the parents have written about their children, take pictures, and distribute certificates to remind parents of this commitment.

I continued the sermon series "Thy Kingdom Come" with a message about Kingdom Determination. I challenged our church member to seize the dream that God is placing in their heart, to pursue that dream, and to determine to be faithful until they complete it. I used biblical illustrations of dreamers including: Noah, Daniel, Joseph, Nehemiah, Paul, and Joshua & Caleb. I reminded our church that God gives individual and corporate dreams, that the majority will often oppose them, and those who remain faithful will be rewarded.

God blessed our services with Adelaide being baptized and becoming a member of our church family, and the O'Dell family coming for membership pending baptism. 2012 has been such a wonderful year. We have already had 75 saved through Team Impact, 10 saved through our services, and 30 new members added to our church. Praise God for what He is doing at EBC!

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