Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pray for Cindy (Our Missionary)

EBC is blessed to be the sending church for our home-grown missionary, Cindy. Through God's providential hand, Cindy returned home earlier this year to visit with her father, whose health was failing -- or so she (and we) thought. God used that circumstance to get Cindy off the field, only a few days prior to a government coup and uprising by Al Queda  rebels in her country of Mali.  I am happy to tell you that her father has recovered and Cindy is safe. On the other hand, hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled the country and many are starving and their living conditions are very poor. Just as Romans 8:28 promises, God took a circumstance that looked bad, and used it to accomplish His good.

Last week, Cindy met with our deacons to discuss and pray over a date for her return to the mission field.  After looking at the political situation, discussing it with her mission board, talking to believers inside the country, and not sensing the peace of God; our deacons have asked Cindy to wait until the end of the year  before returning to her field of ministry. At that time, we will evaluate the situation, before making a final decision. I would ask you to pray with us that God will give very clear direction and make our hearts sensitive to listening to His Spirit.

Cindy's situation and the recent attacks against Americans abroad, serve as reminders for us to pray for the safety of those carrying the good news to foreign countries.

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