Monday, October 15, 2012

Judgement House 2012

This was the 10th anniversary of Judgement House at Emmanuel Baptist Church. When Kevin Matias introduced JH to EBC, it was a BIG stretch outside the box; but it has become the largest evangelistic event we host. Now under the direction of Justin Facenda, JH has grown to new levels, spans over two weekends, and impacts eternity beyond what we ever could have imagined.

Judgement House is a walk-through drama that causes people to consider where they will spend eternity. This year's script was an original entitled, Masquerade, and written by our own Brian Geddes. The story was based on the testimony of the a man who traveled with JH and served as a deacon, Sunday School teacher, member of the pastor search committee, etc. He was a man who one day realized that he knew a lot about God, but that he did not know God.

It takes nearly 100 people from our church family to produce Judgement House, but the results are worth it.  This year, 2067 people walked through in just 4 nights with 276 making decisions for salvation and 173 recommitting their lives to Christ. We have already seen people baptized in our church and we are hearing stories of others taking that step in their local church.

My thanks to all in our church family who participated in JH. I appreciate a church family that is willing to do whatever it takes to reach people with the Gospel. I also thank those who took time to bring a group to JH. May God bless your efforts!

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