Friday, December 02, 2016

Deacons #10 - Deacon Selection, Term Limits & Removal

There is no exact method described in the Bible for the deacon selection process. The only thing that is stressed are the qualifications established in Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3. In this post, I want to briefly address the topics of deacon selection, term limits, filling a vacated term, removal of deacons, and offer some closing thoughts.


The following process for selecting deacons is being recommended after observing both good and bad deacon situations in various churches:
a) Present the Pastor, ministerial staff, and current deacons with a list containing the names of every man who is an active member of the church.
b) Allow the Pastor, ministerial staff, and current deacons to cross off the names of all men they know do not meet the biblical qualifications and/or any additional guidelines established by the church's bylaws for those desiring to serve as deacons.
c) Once this step is complete, pass the list of remaining names to the church Business Office and have them cross off the names of every man who is not financially supporting the church with what would, to the best of their knowledge, be considered at least a tithe.
d) After the Pastor, staff, current deacons, and Business Office have purged the list; present the list of remaining candidates to the congregation for their final selection.
e) Once the new deacons are elected, the Pastor should have the responsibility of selecting the Deacon Chairman and Vice-Chair.
f) While some churches choose to ordain their deacons, I do not see that to be biblical as it is being practiced today. In addition, too many mistakenly equate a deacon ordination with a ministerial ordination. I would urge extreme caution when doing ANY type of ordination. Instead, I would encourage a commissioning or dedication service for the newly elected deacons.


The Scriptures do not mention term limits for deacons; but in most Baptist churches a 3-year term is the average for deacon service. This method allows one-third (1/3) of the deacon body (not "Board," because Board indicates a group with authority) to rotate off each year. After serving the 3-year term, those who rotate off will usually sit out for at least one year before being eligible for reelection by the congregation. This prevents a dictatorship or ruling mentality among the deacons. In addition, it provides a natural opportunity for someone to step out, if they are feeling the deacon service is too much for them.


If a deacon position becomes vacant before the term is complete, the Pastor and current Deacons will recommend someone (from the purged list mentioned under "Selection of Deacons") to fill the position. The congregation would need to approve the recommendation, in keeping with the principle of Acts 6:3. The person who fills the position may or may not be eligible to serve a full term immediately after the term he filled is complete. That decision should also be clearly defined in the Constitution and Bylaws.


Removal of deacons is not something that anyone usually discusses and thus churches usually just endure and struggle through the term of a "bad" deacon. Even with a good screening process, there are occasions in which deacons change their theological position, under-perform, cause dissension, refuse to support the Pastor, or establish themselves as rulers over the congregation, etc. In such cases, the Pastor, current deacons, and/or the congregation should have the opportunity to remove them. I would strongly encourage every church to include a clear process for deacon removal in your Constitution and Bylaws. Just as the Pastor serves at the pleasure of the congregation; so too, the congregation should have the full authority and opportunity to remove one or all of the deacons, when they deem such action is necessary. (i.e. - There may be instances in which a deacon body begins to usurp pastoral or congregational authority, operate secretively, or exhibit dishonesty before the Church. Such instances, may justify removal of one or ALL of the deacons. In such cases, the church would elect new deacons.) The Pastor and congregation MUST have full confidence in the integrity of those selected to serve as deacons.


a) Pastors serve the church by leading; while deacons lead the church by serving. There is a clear biblical distinction between the two roles. Every candidate should be reminded of this prior to starting his term as a deacon.
b) I would NEVER use the term "Deacon Board." Instead, I would recommend the term "Deacon Body." A "Board" is the corporate title given to a group having authority, and the term "Deacon Board" is evidence that many churches have adopted corporate policies, rather than biblical policies.
c) Churches would be wise to include a statement such as "At First Church, our deacon ministry operates according to the biblical philosophy established in Acts 6. We believe that deacons are selected to serve, and have no right to rule or exercise authority over the Pastor or the congregation."

While some undoubtedly think the statement in #5c is harsh or even dictatorial, others will see the wisdom of including such a statement in the Constitution and Bylaws. By including such as simple statement, a church may save itself from much of the unnecessary dissension, division, and discord so often caused by carnal or power-hungry deacons. I know and agree that most deacons are very godly men, but it only takes one to start mutiny in the ministry. I pray that you will seriously pray over and consider the steps outlined above.

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