Here at Grace Church in Pompano Beach, FL we are searching and praying for God’s direction regarding how to grow this local church in the post-pandemic world. Some estimate that 20% of the world's churches that existed pre-COVID will close as a result of the pandemic. Some estimate that church attendance will never be what it was pre-COVID. Most agree that church giving will see somewhere around a 20% average decrease. Certainly there will be some changes and “yes” the church will look different, BUT I am trusting that God knows exactly how to build and bless HIS Church, regardless of the difficulties.
When you look back through history, you see that the early church faced many hardships and extreme opposition from the Jewish establishment, as well as, the Roman empire. That persecution drove the Church at Jerusalem to scatter, thus resulting in the Gospel being carried around the world. History records Christ-followers beheaded and tortured as martyrs for their faith. For centuries, missionaries have sacrificed their lives to share the Gospel with unreached people groups. Many believers have and continue to risk their lives meeting in underground churches, while others are being killed under the guise of ethnic cleansing. When the world was not busy opposing the Church, denominations launched attacks against one another leading to persecution and sectarian violence. The truth is that the Church has faced opposition and hardship since her inception, but God has always protected HIS Church. Historically, the Church has flourished in the face of adversity and I believe it is going to happen, again!
Strength and unity are often the result of hardship. No doubt that this pandemic has presented a great hardship for the Church around the world. In a post-COVID world, the result may be that churches will return to being laser-focused on their purpose for existence. Seeker-sensitive will be replaced by disciple-driven strategies. Attractional methods of church growth will be replaced by a return to one-on-one evangelism. Theatrical performances and Sunday sermonettes will be replaced by authentic worship, powerful sermons and strategic disciple-making. The vertical church or Sunday experience will be replaced by the horizontal church, made-up of various teaching opportunities all week long. Online church experiences are here to stay and must be embraced. Sadly, physical attendance will probably be seen as optional for many, but the fellowship of saints gathering in worship will grow sweeter and sweeter. The rush to end services "on-time" so people can get to the restaurants will be replaced by saints hanging-out and savoring their time together. These are just a few of the changes I see coming and I believe there will be many, many more... and not all bad.
So, let me encourage you not to be overcome by changes resulting from COVID-19. Instead, be encouraged. I believe these changes can be opportunities for the post-pandemic church to flourish. The fluff and fillers that many have relied on to draw crowds and the shows that have lined the pockets of far too many false prophets, will be replaced by people seeking to dig deeper and find real meaning in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Change is not always a bad thing, and in this case, it could be one of the greatest things that helps bring the Church back to what God designed her to be.
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