Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Children Remind Us of the Sweetness of Christmas


What a great way to start the day!  This morning I watched our K5 classes perform “Giddy-up Little Donkey,” a Christmas program. The parents arrived early and waited for the doors to open, they had their phones set to video, and they sat as close to the front as possible (the opposite of what they do when I’m preaching). There was excitement in the air, smiles on faces, hands waving and kisses blown. I couldn’t help but have a sense of pride in our students, our staff and our Lower School Principal; as they had all spent hours practicing for this presentation.

Watching them perform reminded me of the sweet innocence of the children - even the ones who are usually little rascals in class.  It is so special to see children performing the Christmas story dressed as Mary & Joseph, angels, shepherds and the wise men. In every children’s Christmas program, there is also a baby doll being carried (and swung) to portray the baby Jesus. I am so thankful that in our Christian school, we boldly proclaim the Christ of CHRISTmas!

As I left the program and reflected on the sweetness of the children; it did not take long to be reminded that not everyone is experiencing “joy to the world,” “peace on earth” or “good will toward men” during this season.  Sadly, this time of year is too often characterized by frantic shoppers, panicked travelers, people stealing packages, drivers honking horns & giving one-finger salutes, credit cards being maxed out, and so much more. How is it that so many (even Christ-followers) will allow the craziness of Christmas to distract them from the real reason for the season? Why can’t we all practice the sweetness of the children?

What if we required adults to go watch a children’s Christmas program each December? Maybe it would remind us of that silent night when the angel appeared to the lowly shepherds. Maybe it would remind us of the simplicity of the stable birth. Maybe it would remind us of that holy night on which the Savior was born. Maybe it would remind us of God’s plan to redeem and reconcile sinful mankind to Himself. God set the plan into motion on the night that… that peaceful and joy-filled night!

The craziness of preparing for the all-American Christmas often drowns out the beautiful message of the season. The Apostle John brought it into focus when he wrote, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish; but have everlasting life” – John 3:16. God loved us and gave His Son. Salvation through Jesus Christ is the greatest gift ever given, the only path to peace with God and the real meaning of Christmas.

I’d like to encourage you to find a few minutes to read the Christmas story found in Luke 2:1-15. Take time to pray and thank God for His gift of salvation. Make sure there was a time when you confessed your sin, realized your need for a Savior and called out to Jesus. By returning to simple childlike faith, you will soon rediscover the real meaning of CHRISTmas.

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