Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Don't Get Trapped in the Web

Did you know that the website, www.myspace.com is the latest trend among teenagers? I took a peek to see what was happening among our youth culture and was shocked! Some of the sites were okay; but others were filled with profanities, some linked to pornography, and others led users toward forums for gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, swingers and even Satanism. While myspace.com provides a way for kids to communicate, it also introduces them to people and issues that are less than desireable for their well-being. The "interesting" thing is that most parents are naive to what their teens are involved in, the "sad" thing is that some don't care.

A recent report by CNN discussed the link between abductions and the myspace site. Principals of public schools commented on the safety risks the site was posing to their students and justified the expulsion of any student with a myspace site. Dr. Phil got into the action as he addressed the issue on a recent talk show. Even major corporations are blocking this site, due to the decreased productivity as a result of their employees spending too much time on it.

Myspace.com is a pedophile's playground! Users give their names, ages, city of residence, and what school they attend. This puts EVERY student on the user's school campus at risk! Some parents and students believe that simply making the site "private" eliminates these risks -- WRONG!!! Students don't realize that the Internet is a WORLD WIDE network, extending far beyond their circle of friends.

So what can a parent do? 1) Do NOT allow a child to have Internet access in his bedroom, 2) Move the computer to a common area with the monitor facing out, 3) Discuss Internet safety, 4) Install a good filtering software, better yet use a server based filter, 5) Obtain your child's password and check his site regularly, and 6) Check the history trail -- if it's been erased, you'll know you have a problem!

Finally, let me offer some websites that may be helpful to parents: 1) The FBI website offers online safety tips at http://www.fbi.gov/publications/pguide/pguide.htm, 2) Compare Internet filters at internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com, 3) Check out the best family filter (in my opinion) at www.afa.net. Your child may feel like you are invading his privacy, but he is publishing his page on the WORLD-WIDE Internet. Why should you be the only one who DOESN'T know what your child is doing?

Your child may not appreciate your intervention on this matter, but parents have a God-given responsibility to protect their children. Take time to educate your child regarding both the benefits and dangers of the Internet. Like a gun, the Internet can be a great tool if used properly; but used contrariwise, it can also destroy a life!

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