I'm not sure where Judge Alito stands on all of the contentious issues, but I know that he practices a literal interpretation of the Constitution. His past record and decisions during the Reagan administration indicate that he has been true to form throughout his judiciary service. The integrity he displayed by refusing to discuss his views on abortion and other divisive issues earned my respect. I also respected the strength of character he revealed by refusing to play into anyone's hand during the hearings. In a day when judges hold so much authority, I'm glad to see the scales tipping toward conservatives. Who knows if "Roe vs. Wade" will be reversed or any other rulings for that matter; but Justice Alito will add another conservative voice and a champion for the literal interpretation of Constitutional law in the future.
Today is a good opportunity to remind people of faith that believers have a God-given responsiblity to be good citizens and to participate in the Democratic process. Some people try to separate church and state. They foolishly and very ignorantly state that politics and religion don't mix. I vehemently disagree! Edmund Burke said it best, "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing." It only makes sense that Christians would be leaders, catalysts for change, run for office, and more... especially in America. After all, our national slogan is, "In God We Trust!" So, get out of the stands and get into the game...We're counting on you!
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