Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hanging of the Greens

While visiting FBC Jacksonville, I heard this statement, "As the church grows larger, it must also grow smaller." With that in mind, we tried something new this year in decorating our church for Christmas. We reverted back to idea of everyone taking responsibility for decorating and turned it into a church fellowship.

Our men carried all of the decorations down from the storage area. Several of our ladies came early to do the things that a group could not do and to organize everything for those who would participate. We started the service with Christmas carols, sharing testimonies of Christmas memories, and the reading of the Christmas story. We paused to enjoy refreshments in the main lobby and to fellowship together. Folks really enjoyed that time together.

We then began to decorate. Families hung wreaths from the balcony, placed ornaments on the Christmas trees, set out nativity displays, etc. People stood around and enjoyed each other's company for nearly an hour after the decorating was complete. It was a good time and one that we will certainly do again next year!

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