Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Summary - 11.28.10

What a great day we enjoyed today! On the Sunday after Thanksgiving, the attendance is usually down a little, but not today! This morning, I preached on "Receiving God's Blessings" and tied it to the story of Jacob wrestling with God. We live in a day when everyone expects "instant" blessings and almost feels "entitled" to them. We don't have to obey, respect, or honor God; He's viewed as nothing more than a cosmic vending machine that we go to when we want something.

Some considerations regarding Jacob's wrestling match with God:
  • He wouldn't let go of God. Jacob wrestled all night, until he received a blessing. Blessing aren't usually instantaneous.
  • He paid a price. Jacob was crippled during the event. Do we want God's blessings so much that we are willing to lose something along the way?
  • He was changed by the event -- Jacob became Israel, the deceiver became the God-wrestler. Are we willing to lose our identity and become a sold-out Christ-follower?

God used this message and smiled on us today with 2 baptisms, 2 new members, and several recommitting their lives to Christ.

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