Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Summary 1.20.11

Today was another GREAT Sunday at Emmanuel. We are currently experiencing a mini revival as we have seen people saved, baptized, and added to the church for the past 4 weeks. Yesterday, I had the privilege of leading a 79 year old lady to Christ! Today, we started our service by baptizing two adult sisters, one of which was saved just two weeks ago. They both joined the church, which makes 17 new adult members in just 4 weeks. It's been incredible!

This morning, I continued the "Back to Basics" series with a message entitled, "The Bible, God's Word." The message was simple and described how we got the Bible, where it was written, in which languages, who wrote it, etc. We discussed scientific proofs, archaeological discoveries, prophetical accuracies, and other proofs that the Bible is a supernatural book. The proofs are overwhelming and even backed by the records of non-Christian historians. After proving the Bible is supernatural, I challenged our church to read it, study it, memorize it, and live it. I closed with four Bible truths: hell is hot, heaven is real, Jesus it the ONLY Way to heaven, and every man must choose to accept or reject Him. Those teachings aren't popular today, but they are the message of the Bible!

Tonight, I continued teaching "about" the Bible and how the 66 books were selected. We discussed canonicity, and even delved into the books of the Apocrypha to explain why they did not pass the test of canonicity and are rejected by everyone except the Catholic church. The Apocrypha is where teachings such as purgatory, praying for the dead, and angel worship originated. Too many Christians are easily persuaded into false beliefs, because they do not take the time to research and study their faith. At EBC, we are trying to lay a firm foundation.

Thank you, Lord, for another great day and the privilege to preach your Word. Thank you for the blessing of seeing people make spiritual decisions. Help us remain faithful to the work you have called us to.

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