Monday, March 14, 2011

ECS & Kite Day - 3.13.11

Yesterday was ECS day at Emmanuel. One Sunday each year, we highlight Emmanuel Christian School during our morning church service. ECS is the largest ministry of EBC and we are blessed to partner with parents and local churches for the purpose of providing a quality education from a Christian world-view. Our elementary students filled the choir loft and sang beautifully. Students served as our praise band, faculty served as our praise team, upper school students served as ushers and greeters, faculty and alumni were recognized, artwork was displayed, the EXCEL students performed the prelude, newscasts provided updates, and Brooke knocked it out of the park with her song! I continued my sermon series on "Back to Basics" and we had 2 recommit their lives to Christ, 2 baptized, and 1 adult joined the church.

Following the morning service, we hosted "Kite Day" for the kids. There wasn't much wind, but there were almost 200 adults and children who participated. They brought picnic lunches and kites were flying all over our campus. This is definitely something we plan to do again.

A special thanks to all of the parents who brought their children to be part of our special ECS day, to Greta for preparing the Elementary choir, to Alex & Justin for the media projects, to the EXCEL teachers for helping the students prepare, and to Heather for coordinating the entire day!

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