Monday, March 07, 2011

Evangelism Training - 3.6.11

Yesterday was a great day as we again hosted Don Sunshine (uncle to WMHK's Steve Sunshine) at Emmanuel. Don is a former police officer who has a presentation entitled, "Make A Difference" or MAD. Through it, he shows people how easy it is to share your faith in almost any situation. Don spoke in our ECS chapel last year and it really impacted several of our students. He followed that with a 4 hour training seminar on a Saturday. Our adults were so impressed that we decided that our whole church needed to hear Don's presentation. So, he taught a 4 hour course divided up across our Sunday services 9:30. 10:30, 4:30 and 6:00pm.

Today we also had a man place his faith in Jesus Christ for salvation! He came during our invitation stating that he had been a "make-believer" (a term Don used for those who were pretending to be saved). He said he had battled with this for almost 18 months and today he nailed it down!

Don had 3 other men with him and they were going from Hartsville to Daytona, FL for Bike Week. The men devised a plan and scooped my youngest daughter out of class today so they could take her for a motorcycle ride. She loved it!

If you want to encourage your church to share their faith, I would highly recommend Don's seminar for your church. Visit his website at

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