Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend 2011

I can still remember sitting in Shoney's, in November 2002, with the Interim Pastor of Emmanuel as I prepared to serve as the incoming Senior Pastor of EBC. In our discussion, I told him that I could envision a church running 1,000 in Hartsville. He laughed, our population has continued to decline, and now there are 142 churches in a city of less than 8,000. BUT, it happened... EBC had 1,090 people attend our Easter weekend services... 14% of the population! I know it was Easter weekend, but a dream still came true!

This weekend, we offered two services. Our choir and drama departments presented a moving production, the Gospel message was clearly preached, nearly 200 first-time guests were present, our people prayed, God showed up and He drew people unto Himself. 17 people chose to start a relationship with Jesus as their Savior and Lord, others recommitted their lives to Christ, and others inquired about how to become part of our church family! It was amazing!

Another victory was also won. On Easter Sunday, a very special lady played the piano for the first time in two years, since her husband passed away. That lady, was Jayne Lindsey. Her husband, the late Dell Lindsey, was my friend and mentor in ministry. He was like a second father and he was the one who prayed with me the day I was saved. He showed me how to lead a person to Christ, he took me on visitation, opened his home to me, and invested his life in mine. Jayne is also the mother of Cynthia Colson, the wife of our worship pastor. She had not played the piano for anyone other than her late husband; but on Easter 2011, she played for two men who were products of her husband's ministry. I can't even begin to tell you how special that was for me. Thank you Mrs. L.

Easter is past, and the decorations are put away; but the souls of 17 people (maybe more) will live on for eternity with our Lord. It doesn't get any better than that. Thanks to everyone who had any part in the events of Easter weekend at EBC. I pray that our big vision for our small town has been increased by what we saw God do last weekend.

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