Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday Summary 4.10 - The Crucifixion

Yesterday, I preached on the sufferings of Christ. Sadly too many know the "story," but either forget or minimize the suffering that Christ endured for us!

  • He suffered in the Garden and sweat drops of blood, a medical condition called hematidrosis that can occur under the great emotional stress.

  • He suffered at multiple trials that involved false accusation, mocking, physical assaults, and which violated Jewish law in at least 50 points.

  • He suffered at His scourging as the Roman soldiers flogged His back, legs, and buttocks with a whip made of braided leather thongs having small iron balls and/or sharp pieces of sheep bone attached; which would tear the flesh, muscle, and skeletal tissue leaving gaping wounds and ribbons of bleeding flesh.

  • He suffered on the road to the cross as He struggled beneath the weight, was mocked as a criminal, and onlookers would run into the street and pound Him on the face and back.

  • He suffered on the cross as He willingly endured the nails and the painful process of crucifixion.
Why was such suffering necessary? Because a debt had to be paid for our sin. The innocent blood had to be shed for the guilty -- for you and me -- in order to pay our sin debt, to purchase our redemption, and to fulfill the Father's plan. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission -- forgiveness of sin. Christ paid the price... the debt is paid in full... so how will you respond?

  • As Judas who chose money and personal ambition over the Savior?

  • As the thief who mocked and denied Him?

  • As the thief who saw Jesus as the Savior and gladly received Him?

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