Saturday, December 20, 2008

Rick Warren to Pray at Inauguration

President-Elect Obama’s selection of Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the 2009 presidential inauguration will help correct much of the distorted thinking about Rick Warren being a liberal. I like Rick Warren, but I’m no Warrenite and I certainly don’t agree with everything he has done; but the media is proving that he is no liberal theologian or “Luciferian” as some delusional people think.

Rick Warren has come under great attack for his conservative views on the Bible, his stand against abortion, his opposition of homosexuality, etc. He is under fire because he interprets the Bible literally. He is labeled as too conservative and is accused of being intolerant. The New York Times called Warren the next Billy Graham and various sources call him the most influential evangelical in America.

Interestingly, some evangelicals think Warren should have turned down Obama’s invitation, but "why" would he do that? Aren't believers commanded to pray for those in authority, whether we agree with them in all points or not? Bill Hybels met for prayer and Bible study with President Bill Clinton and Billy Graham prayed over Presidents that he did not agree with. Why would any true Bible preacher turn down such the invitation to give the invocation at the inauguration? To do so would be a terrible witness and would leave the door open for some liberal preacher to merely read empty words out of a prayer book.

Rick Warren said it best during a recent interview…“We don’t have to agree on every point.” Neither teammates, spouses, or believers agree on every point; but a mark of spiritual maturity is being able to "agree to disagree, agreeably." Showing you rear end, pouting, throwing a temper tantrum, or taking your ball and going home are all indicators of spiritual immaturity. Let's learn to put non-essential differences aside and focus on the work God has called us to.

If you want to find out more about this preacher who will be delivering the invocation at the 2009 Presidential Inauguration, visit

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