Saturday, January 17, 2009

Church Lessons Learned from a Puppy

Last weekend, we adopted a puppy! That brings our pet total to three: an 11 year old Cockatiel (Dandy), an 8 year old Bishon (Noel), and an 8 week old lab mix (Sadie). I've always wanted a big dog, but what was I really thinking adding one more to the mix? I was tag-teamed by my 19 year old daughter and one of our church members who was working with the Humane Society. Obviously they won!

Well, over the past week, I've noticed some things taking place in our house that remind me of what takes place in many churches. Our old dog (Noel) is like some long-time church members. She does not like change and has been pouting for a week! How dare we allow a new puppy into her house (their church), to sit on her pillow (their pew), and to be part of her family (their circle of friends). She (like the church members) wants that puppy to look like her, smell like her, lay like her, bark like her, be house-broken like her, and eat the same food as her. But, she is, why should we allow her to be part of our family?

In addition, Noel is upset, because she was there first... everything was just how she liked it... it was all about her! Now, Noel doesn't get all the attention... she has to share her toys... she has to share her family... she has to adjust to change. Things aren't the way they used to be and she does NOT like it! She's mad... she's pouting... and she wants everyone to know it. She refuses to come downstairs -- like those who refuse to come to church or boycott the services. She leaves the room when the puppy is present -- like those who turn a cold shoulder when someone new comes their way. She growls when the puppy comes close -- just like those who scowl to show their displeasure with the new people and the changes that have accompanied growth.

Noel reminds me of "some" church members -- young and old! Their favorite song is, "Who let the DOGS in?" Like new church members, all the puppy wants to do is settle into the family, make new friends, and get involved. But, like Noel, some long-time church members become territorial. They don't like the new people; they don't want to share their church; they don't want things to change; they don't want the family to grow. Why can't everything just be like it used to be? It was all about them and they liked it that way. Doesn't the pastor realize the old dogs were there first? Why does he keep inviting new people into OUR church? This is our pound!

Like Noel, some long-time church members are missing opportunities to share their wealth of wisdom and help new family members as they grow. Instead, they choose to get upset... pout... and show their displeasure. They are easily angered when the puppy tinkles on the carpet, but are quick to display their crappy attitudes for others to see. Sure, puppies require a lot of attention, but it doesn't mean we don't love the dogs we had before them. In fact, our family is catering even more to the old dog and giving her even more attention; but she's still miserable and choosing to make everyone else miserable. Truth is... Noel, like long-time church members, is the only one who can decide whether she will be happy or miserable in the days ahead.
So why would I take time to write such a blog? Because, it reveals how self centered "Christians" can be when we forget our primary mission. Some have committed themselves to saving dogs; but God has called us to save the souls of men! Noel doesn't like the new puppy; but by opening our home, we saved a puppy's life. Some long-time church members don't like new people coming into their church; but by opening their arms, it may save a soul from hell.

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