Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No Perfect People Allowed

My extended family lives in South Florida and we try to visit as often as possible. During our last visit, my dad gave me a hat that he received while playing in a golf tournament hosted by a church in his area. I am blessed to be the beneficiary of the annual tournament and usually receive the mock turtleneck shirts they give to the participants. This year, the church did not give shirts, instead, they gave hats. The hat had the church's slogan on it that read, "No Perfect People Allowed." That was the greatest slogan I've ever read and fits our church (and should fit most) well.

Too many people have the false belief that people who attend churches have it all together. The truth is that too many church-goers want to make people think they have it all together. In our church, we encourage people to take off their masks and be real. We encourage them to leave their church costumes at home and dress comfortably. We encourage them to join accountability groups, confess their faults, and pray for one another. When someone comes to join our church, I ask them point blank, "You know this is not a perfect church... right?" They often look stunned, but I openly admit that we are not a perfect church, we do not have perfect members, and we do not have a perfect pastor. I tell them that if I have not offended or disappointed them yet... I will and so will anyone else they allow themselves to get close to. But, I also promise to do all I can to reconcile any offense if they will simply bring it to my attention. I'll never apologize for a biblical position, but I will apologize for any offense due to disposition.

I already admitted that our church is NOT perfect, but we do have a few members who "think" they are. They think their way is the only "right" way. They can tell you how the church should be run... and of course... it's their way. They are blinded by their sin of pride and remind me of a bad hemorrhoid -- a real pain in the rear, that causes discomfort to the body, and just won't go away. If you visit EBC and happen to meet one of these people... please don't judge our whole church by them. Instead, just love them like we do and realize that sinful people do sinful things. Pray for them!

If you are "imperfect," we would love to have you at Emmanuel Baptist Church! If you are "perfect," we will be happy to recommend several good churches in our area that you can bless with your presence. Wow... I love that slogan, "No perfect people allowed." It so impressed me that I'm preparing to preach a whole sermon series with the same title in 2009.

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