Friday, January 08, 2010

Christmas All Year Long

In 1994, Larnelle Harris released a project entitled "Christmas All Year Long." The feature track was entitled "All Year Long" and made an impression on me that has lasted far more than a year. A few of the lines were as follow: "I stretched high to store the stockings and trim in the attic for another year. We were busily packing our Christmas away, while singing a carol we knew, when I heard my son in innocence inquire, Do we store away Jesus too?"

What a great question, "Did you store away Jesus with your Christmas decorations?" It's been two weeks since Christmas. Many have traveled, put away decorations, celebrated the New Year, and returned to jobs and school. As we return to our busy schedules, have we also returned to the way we were before Christmas? Christmas is the season of love, giving, and focusing on God's gift of love that He wrapped in Jesus. Why does that have to end with the month of December?

I suggest that for the believer, Christmas should be celebrated all year long! While we may only decorate during the month of December, we should celebrate Jesus every day throughout the year! Don't pack Him away with the decorations. Don't forget about Him until you set your nativity pieces up next year. Don't treat people differently in January than you did in December -- send cards to friends, express appreciation, let people know you care, participate in church services, point people to Jesus, and live in a way that shows God how much you appreciate His Gift -- all year long!

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