Thursday, January 19, 2012

Great start to a 2012

God is already blessing EBC in 2012. Since January 1, we have seen 1 saved in our services, 1 saved in AWANA, 1 saved in our Christian School, 3 baptized, 7 new members, a strong Sunday attendance, and a good reception to our new Sunday night format. It's good to see people making spiritual resolutions and engaging in ministry!

Dr. Ron Long with Luther Rice University and Seminary was our guest on January 8. He preached about things in the church that he never thought he would live to see. It all boiled down to a numbers driven mentality and the void of true spirituality even among church leaders. He challenged us to be real, to be committed, and to be faithful. That evening, he spoke to our men and gave a missional challenge to be an inclusive church. He warned against racial prejudice and religious prejudice; encouraging our men not to draw lines based on skin color or denominational tags. Dr. Long has a heart for missions and has been instrumental in training national pastors around the world.

Dr. Ron Long has been a dear friend and one of the men whose counsel led to our acceptance of the call to become the Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church. For more information about Luther Rice University and Seminary, visit

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