Friday, January 20, 2012

Vision Sunday 2012 - Giving Away the Ministry!

Last Sunday was our annual Vision Sunday. Each year, I set aside a Sunday in January to challenge the church regarding the things God would have us to do throughout the upcoming year. This year was a little different. While in other years we have talked about doing things, this year we talked about becoming the people that God wants us to be. We talked about becoming fully devoted followers, who are passionately pursuing Christ and training others to serve Him.

At EBC, we are very good at programs and events. I know we are good, because others in our area have and continue to try to replicate what we are doing. I remember one man several years ago at a Chamber meeting stating, "I'm so tired of hearing about 'how Emmanuel does it' in our church Board meetings." Another lady, who is not even affiliated with EBC said, "What Emmanuel has done has been so effective that another church in town trying to do the same things, but without the same success." Just this week, a pastor from another city told me, "We want to be in our city what Emmanuel is in Hartsville." I was humbled by these statements, but also proud to hear others acknowledging that our people do "things" well.

This year, we don't want to focus on the things. Instead, we want to focus on developing leaders and training others to do ministry. One of my goals this year is to give away the ministry. I confessed to our members that I've allowed myself to be drawn into the "stuff" that keeps pastors busy, but also keeps the prayer time and pulpit from being strong. You'll remember the disciples felt the same pull in Mark 6 and it led to the selection of deacons. The disciples appointed the Deacons to take care of the tasks assigned them, so the disciples could focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word. Our goal at EBC this year is to recruit a lay-leader and a team of volunteers for every ministry in our church! Those teams will meet monthly to plan, prepare, and pray for the ministry God has given them.

On Sunday night, we met with our ministry leaders to continue our vision discussion and strategy to accomplish it. People seemed very excited and one lady shouted out, "He finally got it." Yes... I finally got it. I realized that I can't do it all myself. Our church is growing, my opportunities and circle of influence are increasing, and I either have to release some things or our ministry will be stifled. To steal a quote from the corporate world, "I can't work on the business, while I'm working in the business." This same thing rings true for each of our pastors, so our goal this year is to "give away the ministry" by equipping the saints. Funny, it sounds similar to what Jethro told Moses, Paul told the Ephesians, etc. Maybe I really finally got it, and if so... God is getting ready to do some really BIG things!

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