Monday, January 23, 2012

Hey Terrell, the Ravens could have used God's help!

On January 4, Terrell Suggs showed his ignorance with the following statement: “With all due respect, we don’t need God on our sidelines. Once again God had to save Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos. He couldn’t even give them two drives. Seven to three?” That comment sparked a lot of debate, drew much negative attention toward Suggs, and he also lost a lot of respect that day. Hall of Fame QB, Terry Bradshaw, said this: “You can take shots at Tim, but when you go messing with God, that’s a different story. Suggs is obviously an idiot; he has no clue what he’s talking about. He better be careful; if I were him I’d be on my hands and knees tonight asking for forgiveness because that’s totally unacceptable." I've always admired Terry Bradshaw, but that day his stock rose tremendously in my book.

Here we are just a few weeks later as the Baltimore Ravens are battling for their chance to go to the Super Bowl. The Ravens have a chance to take the lead and sure-handed Lee Evans drops a ball that was already nestled in his arms for a touchdown. Then the Ravens are down by only 3 and a simple chip shot field goal will tie their chance to stay alive. A very consistent kicker pulls the kick! This isn't the Ravens team we are used to seeing.

Funny, as these mishaps occur, I've got the movie "Angels in the Outfield" playing in my head. Strange and unusual things are happening in this game. The tape rewinds and you can almost hear Terrell Suggs saying, "We can do this on our own... we don't need God on our sidelines." I wonder if after the game, he wishes he would have kept his mouth shut, because... they COULDN'T DO IT ON THEIR OWN!

As the entire Ravens team now sits at home "watching" the Super Bowl, I wonder how many of them will hear Suggs' comment about God playing back in their head and remember such things as "...God is not mocked...," "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain," and "Don't tempt the Lord thy God..." Could it be that through a strange series of events surrounding Tim Tebow and Terrell Suggs, that a renewed interest in spiritual things may cause some to turn to Christ?

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